All Classes and Interfaces

abstract class as base for custom webhook change listener, with this abstract class it is possible to implement only a subset of the need methods and ignore the other ones.
abstract class as base for custom webhook messaging listener, with this abstract class it is possible to implement only a subset of the need methods and ignore the other ones.
Represents an access token/expiration date pair.
Represents the Account Graph API type.
Represents the Link Account/Login button type
Represents the Unlink Account/Logout button type
Represents the AdGroup Account Type.
Represents the Ad Asset Feed Spec Type.
Represents the AdGroup Creative type.
Represents the AdCreativeLinkData Marketing API type
Represents the AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction Marketing API type
Represents the AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue Marketing API type
Represents the AdCreativeObjectStorySpec Marketing API type.
Represents the Delivery Check type.
Represents the AdGroup Image type
Represents the AdGroup Label type .
Represents the AdGroup Preview type .
Represents the AdReportRun type
Represents the Ads action stats type
Represents the AdGroup Set type.
Represents the AdsImageCrops Marketing API type Every field is following the crops specification, in the format of [[{left},{top}],[{right},{bottom}]].
Represents the Ad transaction type
Represents the AdGroup User type.
Represents the Album Graph API type.
Represents the App links type
Represents the Cover Graph API type.
Represents the app roles as used here: App Roles on Facebook
Basic Ads type that provides an id field.
used in the Messenger Code API
Represents an HTTP header name/value pair used by BatchRequest and BatchResponse.
Encapsulates a discrete part of an entire Facebook Batch API request.
Builder pattern implementation used to construct instances of BatchRequest.
Encapsulates a discrete part of an entire Facebook Batch API response.
Represents a binary file that can be uploaded to Facebook.
The POST body class.
Represents the Business type.
Represents the Buy Button type
a DateFormat strategy that returns a cached SimpleDateFormat instance.
Represents the Call Button type
Used to send a new welcome message to Facebook and set it on a page.
Represents the Campaign Marketing API type
Superclass for Graph API types that include a category field.
Represents a category element used by place and page
The transferred change containing the field and the value
Basic ChangeValue provides a enum for the Verb
Factory to convert the value field of the change into a class with special fields
Represents the Check-In Graph API type.
Represents the Checkout Update Callback
Represents the Comment Graph API type.
A visitors comment on a Page post to reply to.
Represents the Comments Graph API type.
Iterator over connection pages.
Represents the Tag Graph API type.
Represents the Custom Audience Marketing API type
Represents the Custom audience permission Marketing API type
Represents the Custom Audience Status Marketing API type
The DateFormat strategy interface.
A collection of date-handling utility methods.
DeAuth type, returned on de-authorization callback
business use case based usage object.
Represents the result of a FacebookClient.debugToken(String) inquiry.
Default implementation of a Facebook Graph API client.
A canned implementation of FacebookExceptionMapper that maps Graph API exceptions.
InstagramLoginClient is the default implementation of the Instagram API with Instagram Login.
Default implementation of a JSON-to-Java mapper.
A class representing a client for interacting with Facebook's Threads API.
Default implementation of a service that sends HTTP requests to the Facebook API endpoint.
Represents the domain whitelisting action type
A collection of data-encoding utility methods.
WebRequestor with ETag-support.
Represents the Event Graph API type.
immutable container to transfer all data used to create the correct facebook exception
Specifies how a Facebook JSON response attribute maps to a Java field.
Specifies how a Facebook Graph API client must operate.
Interface for accessing the Facebook Endpoints.
Abstract class to provide access to the JSON Facebook provides in case of an error
Root of the RestFB exception hierarchy.
Generator to convert Facebook error JSON into RestFB Exceptions.
Specifies a method for mapping Graph and Old REST API exceptions to corresponding instances of FacebookException.
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition.
Indicates that an error occurred while mapping JSON data to a Java object.
Indicates that a network error occurred while trying to connect to the Facebook API endpoint.
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition related to the OAuth token included in the request.
Please check the permission dependencies here
Exception that's thrown as soon as a precondition is not matched
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition related to FQL query parsing.
Attachment object for uploading a Reel to Facebook.
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned an unexpected response body.
Indicates that the Legacy REST Facebook endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition.
Indicates that signed request parsing failed.
Indicates that signed request verification failed.
Base class which encapsulates behavior and properties common to most Graph API types.
Represents Facebook Object metadata, available by including the metadata=1 URL parameter in an API request.
Represents Facebook Object connections metadata, available by including the metadata=1 URL parameter in an API request.
Fallback for not unimplemented change values
change value of the feed album add
change value of the feed album edit
Change Value for feed comments
change value of the feed like
change value of the feed photo remove
change value of the feed photo remove
Change value for feed post
Change value describing a reaction to a post/comment/reply.
Change value for feed share
Change value for feed status
change value of the feed video if a video is blocked/unblocked
change value of the feed video remove
change value of the feed video
Represents the FriendList Graph API type .
From type is used as replacement for the case we need a user or a page.
The From object of the Webhhok Value.
Represents the Game Play Button type
Type that can be used as return value for publishing new objects to Facebook.
Represents the Group Graph API type.
Represents a single ice breaker type, for usage see here.
Represents a Instagram Comment object
This class represents an Instagram container object.
return type of the content publishing limit endpoint
Represents a Instagram Hashtag object
Represents the instagram media type
Represents the instagram mentioned media type
Represents the instagram user type used in the Graph API and contains additional fields for the instagram API with instagram login User object
Respresents the Instagram User Profile object as defined here
Represents the Insight Graph API type.
Represents the Instagram User API type.
Marker interface for all Payloads, that are allowed to be used in the Broadcast API, see here.
This class serves as the entry point to the minimal-json API.
Represents a JSON array, an ordered collection of JSON values.
A handler for parser events.
Specifies how a Facebook JSON-to-Java (and vice-versa) mapper must operate.
If you apply this annotation to a method of a type mapped by JsonMapper, it will be called after the mapping operation has been completed.
Represents a JSON object, a set of name/value pairs, where the names are strings and the values are JSON values.
Represents a member of a JSON object, a pair of a name and a value.
A streaming parser for JSON text.
Represents a JSON value.
Logger implementation based on java.util.logging.
Represents the Link Graph API type.
ChangeValue that provides access to JsonObject lists, used in work history for example.
with Graph API 4.0 this is no longer supported
Represents the Live Video API type.
An immutable object that represents a location in the parsed text.
Represents a location (address and latitude/longitude).
Location object to be used in whatsapp message
Represents the media template element that is used with the attachment id as defined here
Represents the media template element that is used with the url as defined here Allowed urls are:
Represents the Message Graph API type .
Represents an attached file that you may find on a private message.
Additional attachment information, only present when an attached file is an image.
Additional attachment information, only present when an attached file is a video.
Contact type used in the Message object
Represents the Message Callback
Marker interface for all MesssageRecipient implementations
Represents the Messaging Type used to send message that are introduced with Messenger Platform 2.2
Represents the Messenger Profile
Represents the Milestone Graph API type.
Almost basic ad-type that provides a name and a id field.
Superclass for Graph API types that include a name field and (optionally) a created_time field.
Represents the Note Graph API type.
Represents the push notification type as part of the Send API request
Represents the OEmbed Page type
Represents the OEmbed Post type
Represents the OEmbed Video type
Represents the Offsite Pixel Marketing API Type
Represents the Open Graph Action Type
Represents the Open Graph Object Type
Represents the Open Graph Property Config type
with Graph API 4.0 this is no longer supported
Represents the Page Graph API type.
Represents the Cover Graph API type.
Parking options for a Page.
Represents the VOIP Info Graph API type.
Represents the Page Admin Note type
Represents a Connection to a Page Graph API type , for example the Pages returned from me/music.
Represents the Life Event Graph API type.
Represents the Cover Graph API type.
Represents the Page Tab type
Representation of a Facebook API request parameter.
An unchecked exception to indicate that an input does not qualify as valid JSON.
Represents the Pass Thread Control Callback
Represents the Payment Graph API type.
The list of different action types that have occurred in this payment.
Contains the information related to a dispute, including the user_comment and user_email which is provided by the consumer when the dispute is initiated.
The items associated with the payment.
Represents the Payment Callback
Represents the Photo Graph API type.
Represents the Image Graph API type.
Represents the Tag Graph API type.
Represents information about the place where an event occurred, for example a Checkin or Photo.
Represents the Place Tag Graph API type.
Represents a receiving postback object as defined here:
Represents the Post Graph API type.
Represents the Action Graph API type.
Represents the attachments included inGraph API Post type.
Object that controls news feed targeting for this post.
Represents the undocumented Property type.
Represents the Shares included the Post response.
Represents the Postback Button type
Represents a receiving postback object as defined here:
Represents the referral sub object described here:
A visitors post, to reply to.
Enables human readable JSON output by inserting whitespace between values.after commas and colons.
Represents the Privacy Graph API type .
Represents the Product Feed type
Represents the Product Group type
Represents the Product Item type
Represents the Product Set type
Represents the Product Variant type
Represets the Project Experience type
Represents the Quick Reply
change value of the ratings comment
Change value for ratings like
change value of the ratings rating
Represents the Reactions Type
the reaction type
Represents the Receipt Template Payload type
Response for the Reels Upload start phase
Represents the referral field from Scenario 2:
A collection of reflection-related utility methods.
A field/annotation pair.
Exception is thrown if it makes no sense to parse a error json
Abstract class that is the parent of all our logger implementations.
Response object that should be used as Response type for the upload initialisation (start phase) of a resumable upload.
Response object that should be used as Response type for the chunked upload (transfer phase) of a resumable upload.
Represents the Review Graph API Type
Respresents the Saved Message Response type
Represents the SearchPlace
Represents the sender action indicator
Represents the thread settings setting type
Abstract class to provide access to the sharable field.
Represents the Share Button
a simple DateFormat strategy.
Simple Change value to access values that are simple Strings, e.g. user email is changed and the INCLUDE VALUES feature is activated in the subscription
Logger implementation based on org.slf4j.Logger.
Represents the Story Graph API type.
Represents the list of subattachments that are associated with this attachment.
Image data as applicable for the attachment
Media data as applicable for the attachment.
Target data as applicable for the attachment
Helper class to encapsulate simple checks used in the DefaultJsonMapper.
A collection of string-handling utility methods.
Represents the App Subscription type.
Represents the Take Thread Control Callback
Represents the Threads Media type
Represents the Threads profile
Represents the rate limits type Check the "Rate limits" section
Represents the Test User type.
Represents the Thread Graph API type.
Represents the thread settings thread state
Represents an external URL as it relates to the Facebook social graph - shares and comments from the URL on Facebook, and any Open Graph objects associated with the URL.
The Open Graph object that is canonically associated with this URL.
Represents the User Graph API type.
Represents the Currency Graph API type.
Represents the Sport Graph API type.
Represents the UserIDForApp type
Represents the UserIDForPage type
Represents the User Invitable Friend Graph API type.
Respresents the User Profile object as defined here
Represents the Video Graph API type.
Represents the Video Caption API type.
Represents the Video Copyright type
Represents the Video Copyright Rule type
interface to provide methods a listener can implement to handle the different change values
interface to provide methods a listener can implement to handle the different messaging items
root object to fetch information provided by a webhook call
Specifies how a class that sends HTTP requests to the Facebook API endpoint must operate.
encapsulates the HTTP Request configuration
Encapsulates an HTTP response body and status code.
Controls the formatting of the JSON output.