Class Event

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getOwner

        public Event.Owner getOwner()
        The user who owns the event.
        The user who owns the event.
      • setCategory

        public void setCategory​(String category)
        The category of the event.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        The long-form HTML description of the event.
        The long-form HTML description of the event.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        The long-form HTML description of the event.
      • getStartTime

        public Date getStartTime()
        The start time of the event.
        The start time of the event.
      • setStartTime

        public void setStartTime​(Date startTime)
        The start time of the event.
      • getEndTime

        public Date getEndTime()
        The end time of the event.
        The end time of the event.
      • setEndTime

        public void setEndTime​(Date endTime)
        The end time of the event.
      • getIsCanceled

        public Boolean getIsCanceled()
        Whether the event has been marked as canceled
        Whether the event has been marked as canceled
      • setIsCanceled

        public void setIsCanceled​(Boolean isCanceled)
        Whether the event has been marked as canceled
      • getRsvpStatus

        public String getRsvpStatus()
        The RSVP status of this event.
        The RSVP status of this event.
      • setRsvpStatus

        public void setRsvpStatus​(String rsvpStatus)
        The RSVP status of this event.
      • setInterestedCount

        public void setInterestedCount​(Long interestedCount)
        Number of people interested in the event.
      • getIsPageOwned

        public Boolean getIsPageOwned()
        Whether the event is created by page or not.
        Whether the event is created by page or not
      • setIsPageOwned

        public void setIsPageOwned​(Boolean isPageOwned)
        Whether the event is created by page or not.
      • getPrivacy

        public String getPrivacy()
        The visibility of this event. Can be 'OPEN', 'CLOSED', or 'SECRET'.
        The visibility of this event. Can be 'OPEN', 'CLOSED', or 'SECRET'.
      • setPrivacy

        public void setPrivacy​(String privacy)
        The visibility of this event. Can be 'OPEN', 'CLOSED', or 'SECRET'.
      • getUpdatedTime

        public Date getUpdatedTime()
        The last time the event was updated.
        The last time the event was updated.
      • setUpdatedTime

        public void setUpdatedTime​(Date updatedTime)
        The last time the event was updated.
      • getTicketUri

        public String getTicketUri()
        The URL to a location to buy tickets for this event (on Events for Pages only).
        The URL to a location to buy tickets for this event (on Events for Pages only).
      • setTicketUri

        public void setTicketUri​(String ticketUri)
        The URL to a location to buy tickets for this event (on Events for Pages only).
      • getParentGroup

        public Group getParentGroup()
        The group the event belongs to, if any.
        The group the event belongs to, if any.
      • setParentGroup

        public void setParentGroup​(Group parentGroup)
        The group the event belongs to, if any.
      • getPlace

        public Place getPlace()
        Location associated with the event, if any.
        Location associated with the event, if any
      • setPlace

        public void setPlace​(Place place)
        Location associated with the event, if any.
      • getIsDateOnly

        public Boolean getIsDateOnly()
        Should the time information be ignored in the dates for this event?
        true if the time information be ignored in the dates for this event, false otherwise.
      • setIsDateOnly

        public void setIsDateOnly​(Boolean isDateOnly)
        Should the time information be ignored in the dates for this event?
      • setTimezone

        public void setTimezone​(String timezone)
        the timezone of the event
      • setDeclinedCount

        public void setDeclinedCount​(Integer declinedCount)
        Number of people who declined the event
      • getMaybeCount

        public Integer getMaybeCount()
        Number of people who maybe going to the event
        Number of people who maybe going to the event
      • setMaybeCount

        public void setMaybeCount​(Integer maybeCount)
        Number of people who maybe going to the event
      • getNoreplyCount

        public Integer getNoreplyCount()
        Number of people who did not reply to the event
        Number of people who did not reply to the event
      • setNoreplyCount

        public void setNoreplyCount​(Integer noreplyCount)
        Number of people who did not reply to the event