Class Photo.Tag

    • Constructor Detail

      • Tag

        public Tag()
    • Method Detail

      • getX

        public Double getX()
        X coordinate (as a percentage of distance from left vs. width).
        X coordinate (as a percentage of distance from left vs. width).
      • setX

        public void setX​(Double x)
        X coordinate (as a percentage of distance from left vs. width).
      • getY

        public Double getY()
        Y coordinate (as a percentage of distance from top vs. height).
        Y coordinate (as a percentage of distance from top vs. height).
      • setY

        public void setY​(Double y)
        Y coordinate (as a percentage of distance from top vs. height).
      • setCreatedTime

        public void setCreatedTime​(Date createdTime)
        Date this tag was created.