Class Video

All Implemented Interfaces:
HasComments, HasCreatedTime, HasMessage, Serializable

public class Video extends NamedFacebookType implements HasComments, HasCreatedTime, HasMessage
Represents the Video Graph API type.
Mark Allen
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getCaptions

    • addCaption

      public boolean addCaption(VideoCaption caption)
    • removeCaption

      public boolean removeCaption(VideoCaption caption)
    • getFormat

      The different formats of the video.
      The different formats of the video.
    • addFormat

      public boolean addFormat(Video.VideoFormat videoFormat)
    • removeFormat

      public boolean removeFormat(Video.VideoFormat videoFormat)
    • getTags

      Tags for the video.
      Tags for the video.
    • addTag

      public boolean addTag(NamedFacebookType tag)
    • removeTag

      public boolean removeTag(NamedFacebookType tag)
    • getContentTags

      Tags that describe the contents of the video.
      Tags that describe the contents of the video.
    • addContentTag

      public boolean addContentTag(String contentTag)
    • removeContentTag

      public boolean removeContentTag(String contentTag)
    • getAdBreaks

      Time offsets of ad breaks in milliseconds. Ad breaks are short ads that play within a video.
      Time offsets of ad breaks in milliseconds. Ad breaks are short ads that play within a video.
    • addAdBreak

      public boolean addAdBreak(Integer adBreak)
    • removeAdBreak

      public boolean removeAdBreak(Integer adBreak)
    • getCustomLabels

      Labels used to describe the video. Unlike content tags, custom labels are not published and only appear in insights data.
      Labels used to describe the video.
    • addCustomLabel

      public boolean addCustomLabel(String customLabel)
    • removeCustomLabel

      public boolean removeCustomLabel(String customLabel)
    • getLikesCount

      public Long getLikesCount()
      The number of likes on this video. you have to fetch the video id with ?fields=likes.summary(true) in order to speed up the likes count generation, you may use ?fields=likes.limit(1).summary(true), so only 1 like is fetched, but the complete summary
      The number of likes on this video.
    • getCommentsCount

      The number of comments of this video. you have to fetch the video id with ?fields=comments.summary(true) in order to speed up the comments count generation, you may use ?fields=comments.limit(1).summary(true), so only 1 comment is fetched, but the complete summary
      The number of comments of this video.
    • getFrom

      public From getFrom()
      An object containing the name and ID of the user who posted the video.
      An object containing the name and ID of the user who posted the video.
    • setFrom

      public void setFrom(From from)
      An object containing the name and ID of the user who posted the video.
    • getMessage

      FB seems to have removed this field.
      The video title / caption.
      Specified by:
      getMessage in interface HasMessage
      The video title / caption.
    • setMessage

      @Deprecated public void setMessage(String message)
      FB seems to have removed this field.
      The video title / caption.
    • getComments

      The comments for this video.
      Specified by:
      getComments in interface HasComments
      The comments for this video.
    • setComments

      public void setComments(Comments comments)
      The comments for this video.
    • getDescription

      The long-form HTML description of the video.
      The long-form HTML description of the video.
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      The long-form HTML description of the video.
    • getPermalinkUrl

      URL to the permalink page of the video
      URL to the permalink page of the video
    • setPermalinkUrl

      public void setPermalinkUrl(String permalinkUrl)
      URL to the permalink page of the video
    • getTitle

      @GraphAPI(since="2.5") public String getTitle()
      The video title or caption
      the video title or caption
    • setTitle

      public void setTitle(String title)
      The video title or caption
    • getIsCrosspostVideo

    • setIsCrosspostVideo

      public void setIsCrosspostVideo(Boolean isCrosspostVideo)
    • getIsCrosspostingEligible

      Specifies if the video is eligible for crossposting.
      Specifies if the video is eligible for crossposting
    • setIsCrosspostingEligible

      public void setIsCrosspostingEligible(Boolean isCrosspostingEligible)
      Specifies if the video is eligible for crossposting.
    • getIsEpisode

      Whether this video is episode or not.
      Whether this video is episode or not.
    • setIsEpisode

      public void setIsEpisode(Boolean isEpisode)
      Whether this video is episode or not.
    • getIsInstagramEligible

      Whether the video is eligible to be promoted on Instagram
      Whether the video is eligible to be promoted on Instagram
    • setIsInstagramEligible

      public void setIsInstagramEligible(Boolean isInstagramEligible)
      Whether the video is eligible to be promoted on Instagram
    • getIsReferenceOnly

      Whether the video is exclusively used for copyright monitoring.
      Whether the video is exclusively used for copyright monitoring
    • setIsReferenceOnly

      public void setIsReferenceOnly(Boolean isReferenceOnly)
      Whether the video is exclusively used for copyright monitoring.
    • getMusicVideoCopyright

      The music video copyright of this video because of a missing object description in the graph reference, we use a Map here
    • setMusicVideoCopyright

      public void setMusicVideoCopyright(MusicVideoCopyright musicVideoCopyright)
      The music video copyright of this video because of a missing object description in the graph reference, we use a Map here
    • getPostViews

      The public view count of the video post, not aggregated with any other crossposts of the video.
    • setPostViews

      public void setPostViews(Integer postViews)
      The public view count of the video post, not aggregated with any other crossposts of the video.
    • getReactions

      The reactions for this video.
      The reactions for this video.
    • setReactions

      public void setReactions(Reactions reactions)
      The reactions for this video.
    • getEmbeddable

      Whether the video is embeddable.
      Whether the video is embeddable.
    • setEmbeddable

      public void setEmbeddable(Boolean embeddable)
      Whether the video is embeddable.
    • getEvent

      @GraphAPI(since="2.3") public Event getEvent()
      If this object has a place, the event associated with the place.
      the event associated with the place
    • setEvent

      public void setEvent(Event event)
      If this object has a place, the event associated with the place.
    • getFeedType

      @GraphAPI(since="2.7") public String getFeedType()
      Whether or not the video is highlighted in Video Channel.
      Whether or not the video is highlighted in Video Channel.
    • setFeedType

      public void setFeedType(String feedType)
      Whether or not the video is highlighted in Video Channel.
    • getUniversalVideoId

      The publishers asset management code for this video.
    • setUniversalVideoId

      public void setUniversalVideoId(String universalVideoId)
      The publishers asset management code for this video.
    • getViews

      public Integer getViews()
      The public view count of the video.
    • setViews

      public void setViews(Integer views)
      The public view count of the video.
    • getLikes

      public Likes getLikes()
      People who like this. you need to add the field to the fields query parameter to get the likes list otherwise null is returned
      People who like this
    • setLikes

      public void setLikes(Likes likes)
      People who like this. you need to add the field to the fields query parameter to get the likes list otherwise null is returned
    • getPlace

      public Place getPlace()
      Location associated with the video, if any.
      Location associated with the video, if any.
    • setPlace

      public void setPlace(Place place)
      Location associated with the video, if any.
    • getContentCategory

      The content category of this video.
      The content category of this video.
    • setContentCategory

      public void setContentCategory(String contentCategory)
      The content category of this video.
    • getPicture

      public String getPicture()
      A URL for the thumbnail picture of the video.
      A URL for the thumbnail picture of the video.
    • setPicture

      public void setPicture(String picture)
      A URL for the thumbnail picture of the video.
    • getIcon

      public String getIcon()
      An icon URL which represents the video.
      An icon URL which represents the video.
    • setIcon

      public void setIcon(String icon)
      An icon URL which represents the video.
    • getSource

      public String getSource()
      A URL to the raw, playable video file.
      A URL to the raw, playable video file.
    • setSource

      public void setSource(String source)
      A URL to the raw, playable video file.
    • getEmbedHtml

      public String getEmbedHtml()
      HTML that may be used to embed the video on another website.
      HTML that may be used to embed the video on another website.
    • setEmbedHtml

      public void setEmbedHtml(String embedHtml)
      HTML that may be used to embed the video on another website.
    • getLength

      public Double getLength()
      The length of the video, in seconds.
      The length of the video, in seconds.
    • setLength

      public void setLength(Double length)
      The length of the video, in seconds.
    • getLiveAudienceCount

      Number of unique people who watched the video broadcast when it was live.
      Number of unique people who watched the video broadcast when it was live.
    • setLiveAudienceCount

      public void setLiveAudienceCount(Integer liveAudienceCount)
      Number of unique people who watched the video broadcast when it was live.
    • getLiveStatus

      The live status of the video. Possible values contain LIVE, LIVE_STOPPED, VOD
      The live status of the video
    • setLiveStatus

      public void setLiveStatus(String liveStatus)
      The live status of the video. Possible values contain LIVE, LIVE_STOPPED, VOD
    • getPrivacy

      public Privacy getPrivacy()
      Privacy setting for the video.
      Privacy setting for the video.
    • setPrivacy

      public void setPrivacy(Privacy privacy)
      Privacy setting for the video.
    • getPremiereLivingRoomStatus

      The status of the Premiere Watch Party, if any
    • setPremiereLivingRoomStatus

      public void setPremiereLivingRoomStatus(String premiereLivingRoomStatus)
      The status of the Premiere Watch Party, if any
    • getStatus

      Object describing the status attributes of a video.
      Object describing the status attributes of a video.
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(Video.VideoStatus status)
      Object describing the status attributes of a video.
    • getPublished

      Whether a post about this video is published. This field is only accessible in Graph API 2.3 or later.
      whether a post about this video is published.
    • setPublished

      public void setPublished(Boolean published)
      Whether a post about this video is published. This field is only accessible in Graph API 2.3 or later.
    • getBackdatedTime

      Back dated time
    • setBackdatedTime

      public void setBackdatedTime(Date backdatedTime)
      Back dated time
    • getBackdatedTimeGranularity

      String that represents the back dated time granularity
    • setBackdatedTimeGranularity

      public void setBackdatedTimeGranularity(String backdatedTimeGranularity)
      String that represents the back dated time granularity
    • getCreatedTime

      public Date getCreatedTime()
      The time the video was initially published.
      Specified by:
      getCreatedTime in interface HasCreatedTime
      The time the video was initially published.
    • setCreatedTime

      public void setCreatedTime(Date createdTime)
      The time the video was initially published.
    • getUpdatedTime

      public Date getUpdatedTime()
      The last time the video or its caption were updated.
      The last time the video or its caption were updated.
    • setUpdatedTime

      public void setUpdatedTime(Date updatedTime)
      The last time the video or its caption were updated.
    • getScheduledPublishTime

      The time that the video is scheduled to be published. This field is only accessible in Graph API 2.3 or later.
      The time that the video is scheduled to be published.
    • setScheduledPublishTime

      public void setScheduledPublishTime(Date scheduledPublishTime)
      The time that the video is scheduled to be published. This field is only accessible in Graph API 2.3 or later.
    • getVideoInsights

    • setVideoInsights

      public void setVideoInsights(Connection<Insight> videoInsights)
    • getThumbnails

    • setThumbnails

      public void setThumbnails(Connection<Video.Thumbnail> thumbnails)