Class MessageEditItem

    • Method Detail

      • getMid

        public String getMid()
        The Message ID of the message that the user edited.
      • setMid

        public void setMid​(String mid)
        The Message ID of the message that the user edited.
      • getText

        public String getText()
        The new message content, after the user's edit.
      • setText

        public void setText​(String text)
        The new message content, after the user's edit.
      • getNumEdit

        public Integer getNumEdit()
        The number of times the user has edited the message. (The user cannot edit a message more than five times. This constraint is on the Messenger client side.)
      • setNumEdit

        public void setNumEdit​(Integer numEdit)
        The number of times the user has edited the message. (The user cannot edit a message more than five times. This constraint is on the Messenger client side.)