Class Application

    • Method Detail

      • getAppDomains

        public List<StringgetAppDomains()
        Domains and subdomains this app can use.
        Domains and subdomains this app can use
      • getAuthReferralExtendedPerms

        public List<StringgetAuthReferralExtendedPerms()
        Extended permissions that a person can choose to grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled.
        Extended permissions that a person can choose to grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled
      • getAuthReferralFriendPerms

        public List<StringgetAuthReferralFriendPerms()
        Basic friends permissions that a user must grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled.
        Basic friends permissions that a user must grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled
      • getAuthReferralUserPerms

        public List<StringgetAuthReferralUserPerms()
        Basic user permissions that a user must grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled.
        Basic user permissions that a user must grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled
      • getIosBundleId

        public List<StringgetIosBundleId()
        Bundle ID of the associated iOS app.
        Bundle ID of the associated iOS app
      • getAndroidKeyHash

        public String getAndroidKeyHash()
        The app key hash for this app's Android native implementation.
        The app key hash for this app's Android native implementation.
      • setAndroidKeyHash

        public void setAndroidKeyHash​(String androidKeyHash)
        The app key hash for this app's Android native implementation.
      • getAppEventsFeatureBitmask

        public Long getAppEventsFeatureBitmask()
        Bitmask of on/off settings for various App Events related features.
        Bitmask of on/off settings for various App Events related features
      • setAppEventsFeatureBitmask

        public void setAppEventsFeatureBitmask​(Long appEventsFeatureBitmask)
        Bitmask of on/off settings for various App Events related features.
      • getAppInstallTracked

        public Boolean getAppInstallTracked()
        Whether the app install is trackable or not.
        Whether the app install is trackable or not
      • getAuthDialogDataHelpUrl

        public String getAuthDialogDataHelpUrl()
        The URL of a special landing page that helps people who are using an app begin publishing Open Graph activity
        The URL of a special landing page that helps people who are using an app begin publishing Open Graph activity
      • setAuthDialogDataHelpUrl

        public void setAuthDialogDataHelpUrl​(String authDialogDataHelpUrl)
        The URL of a special landing page that helps people who are using an app begin publishing Open Graph activity
      • getAuthDialogHeadline

        public String getAuthDialogHeadline()
        One line description of an app that appears in the Login Dialog
        One line description of an app that appears in the Login Dialog
      • setAuthDialogHeadline

        public void setAuthDialogHeadline​(String authDialogHeadline)
        One line description of an app that appears in the Login Dialog
      • getAuthDialogPermsExplanation

        public String getAuthDialogPermsExplanation()
        The text to explain why an app needs additional permissions. This appears in the Login Dialog
        The text to explain why an app needs additional permissions. This appears in the Login Dialog
      • setAuthDialogPermsExplanation

        public void setAuthDialogPermsExplanation​(String authDialogPermsExplanation)
        The text to explain why an app needs additional permissions. This appears in the Login Dialog
      • getAuthReferralDefaultActivityPrivacy

        public String getAuthReferralDefaultActivityPrivacy()
        The default privacy setting selected for Open Graph activities in the Auth Dialog.
        The default privacy setting selected for Open Graph activities in the Auth Dialog
      • setAuthReferralDefaultActivityPrivacy

        public void setAuthReferralDefaultActivityPrivacy​(String authReferralDefaultActivityPrivacy)
        The default privacy setting selected for Open Graph activities in the Auth Dialog.
      • getAuthReferralEnabled

        public Long getAuthReferralEnabled()
        Indicates whether Authenticated Referrals are enabled.
        Indicates whether Authenticated Referrals are enabled
      • setAuthReferralEnabled

        public void setAuthReferralEnabled​(Long authReferralEnabled)
        Indicates whether Authenticated Referrals are enabled.
      • setAuthReferralResponseType

        public void setAuthReferralResponseType​(String authReferralResponseType)
        The format that an app receives for the authentication token from the Login Dialog
      • getCanvasFluidHeight

        public Boolean getCanvasFluidHeight()
        Indicates whether the app uses fluid or settable height values for Canvas.
        Indicates whether the app uses fluid or settable height values for Canvas
      • setCanvasFluidHeight

        public void setCanvasFluidHeight​(Boolean canvasFluidHeight)
        Indicates whether the app uses fluid or settable height values for Canvas.
      • getCanvasFluidWidth

        public Long getCanvasFluidWidth()
        Indicates whether the app uses fluid or fixed width values for Canvas.
        Indicates whether the app uses fluid or fixed width values for Canvas
      • setCanvasFluidWidth

        public void setCanvasFluidWidth​(Long canvasFluidWidth)
        Indicates whether the app uses fluid or fixed width values for Canvas.
      • getCanvasUrl

        public String getCanvasUrl()
        The non-secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded.
        The non-secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded
      • setCanvasUrl

        public void setCanvasUrl​(String canvasUrl)
        The non-secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded.
      • getCompany

        public String getCompany()
        The company the app belongs to.
        The company the app belongs to
      • setCompany

        public void setCompany​(String company)
        The company the app belongs to.
      • getConfiguredIosSso

        public Boolean getConfiguredIosSso()
        True if the app has configured Single Sign-On on iOS.
        True if the app has configured Single Sign-On on iOS
      • setConfiguredIosSso

        public void setConfiguredIosSso​(Boolean configuredIosSso)
        True if the app has configured Single Sign-On on iOS.
      • getContactEmail

        public String getContactEmail()
        Email address listed for people using the app to contact developers.
        Email address listed for people using the app to contact developers
      • setContactEmail

        public void setContactEmail​(String contactEmail)
        Email address listed for people using the app to contact developers.
      • setCreatedTime

        public void setCreatedTime​(Date createdTime)
        Timestamp that indicates when the app was created.
      • setCreatorUid

        public void setCreatorUid​(String creatorUid)
        User ID of the creator of this app
      • getDailyActiveUsers

        public Long getDailyActiveUsers()
        The number of daily active users the app has.
        The number of daily active users the app has
      • setDailyActiveUsers

        public void setDailyActiveUsers​(Long dailyActiveUsers)
        The number of daily active users the app has.
      • getDailyActiveUsersRank

        public Long getDailyActiveUsersRank()
        Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing daily active users.
        Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing daily active users
      • setDailyActiveUsersRank

        public void setDailyActiveUsersRank​(Long dailyActiveUsersRank)
        Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing daily active users.
      • getDeauthCallbackUrl

        public String getDeauthCallbackUrl()
        URL that is pinged whenever a person removes the app.
        URL that is pinged whenever a person removes the app
      • setDeauthCallbackUrl

        public void setDeauthCallbackUrl​(String deauthCallbackUrl)
        URL that is pinged whenever a person removes the app.
      • getDefaultShareMode

        public String getDefaultShareMode()
        The platform that should be used to share content.
        The platform that should be used to share content
      • setDefaultShareMode

        public void setDefaultShareMode​(String defaultShareMode)
        The platform that should be used to share content.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        The description of the app, as provided by the developer.
        The description of the app, as provided by the developer.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        The description of the app, as provided by the developer.
      • getHostingUrl

        public String getHostingUrl()
        Webspace created with one of our hosting partners for this app.
        Webspace created with one of our hosting partners for this app
      • setHostingUrl

        public void setHostingUrl​(String hostingUrl)
        Webspace created with one of our hosting partners for this app.
      • getIconUrl

        public String getIconUrl()
        The URL of this app's icon.
        The URL of this app's icon
      • setIconUrl

        public void setIconUrl​(String iconUrl)
        The URL of this app's icon.
      • getIosSupportsSystemAuth

        public Boolean getIosSupportsSystemAuth()
        Whether to support the iOS integrated Login Dialog.
        Whether to support the iOS integrated Login Dialog
      • getIpadAppStoreId

        public String getIpadAppStoreId()
        ID of the app in the iPad App Store.
        ID of the app in the iPad App Store
      • setIpadAppStoreId

        public void setIpadAppStoreId​(String ipadAppStoreId)
        ID of the app in the iPad App Store.
      • getIphoneAppStoreId

        public String getIphoneAppStoreId()
        ID of the app in the iPhone App Store.
        ID of the app in the iPhone App Store
      • getLink

        public String getLink()
        A link to the app on Facebook.
        A link to the app on Facebook
      • setLink

        public void setLink​(String link)
        A link to the app on Facebook.
      • getLogoUrl

        public String getLogoUrl()
        The URL of the app's logo.
        The URL of the app's logo
      • setLogoUrl

        public void setLogoUrl​(String logoUrl)
        The URL of the app's logo.
      • getMobileProfileSectionUrl

        public String getMobileProfileSectionUrl()
        Mobile URL of the app section on a person's profile.
        Mobile URL of the app section on a person's profile
      • getMobileWebUrl

        public String getMobileWebUrl()
        URL to which Mobile users will be directed when using the app.
        URL to which Mobile users will be directed when using the app
      • setMobileWebUrl

        public void setMobileWebUrl​(String mobileWebUrl)
        URL to which Mobile users will be directed when using the app.
      • getMonthlyActiveUsers

        public String getMonthlyActiveUsers()
        The number of monthly active users the app has.
        The number of monthly active users the app has
      • setMonthlyActiveUsers

        public void setMonthlyActiveUsers​(String monthlyActiveUsers)
        The number of monthly active users the app has.
      • getMonthlyActiveUsersRank

        public Integer getMonthlyActiveUsersRank()
        Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing monthly active users.
        Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing monthly active users
      • setMonthlyActiveUsersRank

        public void setMonthlyActiveUsersRank​(Integer monthlyActiveUsersRank)
        Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing monthly active users.
      • getNamespace

        public String getNamespace()
        The string appended to to navigate to the app's canvas page
        The string appended to to navigate to the app's canvas page
      • setNamespace

        public void setNamespace​(String namespace)
        The string appended to to navigate to the app's canvas page
      • getObjectStoreUrls

        public com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationObjectStoreURLs getObjectStoreUrls()
        Mobile store URLs for the app.
        Mobile store URLs for the app
      • setObjectStoreUrls

        public void setObjectStoreUrls​(com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationObjectStoreURLs objectStoreUrls)
        Mobile store URLs for the app.
      • getPageTabDefaultName

        public String getPageTabDefaultName()
        The title of the app when used in a Page Tab.
        The title of the app when used in a Page Tab
      • setPageTabDefaultName

        public void setPageTabDefaultName​(String pageTabDefaultName)
        The title of the app when used in a Page Tab.
      • getPageTabUrl

        public String getPageTabUrl()
        The non-secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded.
        The non-secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded
      • setPageTabUrl

        public void setPageTabUrl​(String pageTabUrl)
        The non-secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded.
      • getPrivacyPolicyUrl

        public String getPrivacyPolicyUrl()
        The URL that links to a Privacy Policy for the app.
        The URL that links to a Privacy Policy for the app
      • setPrivacyPolicyUrl

        public void setPrivacyPolicyUrl​(String privacyPolicyUrl)
        The URL that links to a Privacy Policy for the app.
      • getProfileSectionUrl

        public String getProfileSectionUrl()
        URL of the app section on a user's profile for the desktop site.
        URL of the app section on a user's profile for the desktop site
      • setProfileSectionUrl

        public void setProfileSectionUrl​(String profileSectionUrl)
        URL of the app section on a user's profile for the desktop site.
      • getRestrictions

        public com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationRestrictionInfo getRestrictions()
        Demographic restrictions for the app.
        Demographic restrictions for the app
      • setRestrictions

        public void setRestrictions​(com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationRestrictionInfo restrictions)
        Demographic restrictions for the app.
      • getSecureCanvasUrl

        public String getSecureCanvasUrl()
        The secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded.
        The secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded
      • setSecureCanvasUrl

        public void setSecureCanvasUrl​(String secureCanvasUrl)
        The secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded.
      • getSecurePageTabUrl

        public String getSecurePageTabUrl()
        The secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded.
        The secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded
      • setSecurePageTabUrl

        public void setSecurePageTabUrl​(String securePageTabUrl)
        The secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded.
      • getServerIpWhitelist

        public String getServerIpWhitelist()
        App requests must originate from this comma-separated list of IP addresses.
        App requests must originate from this comma-separated list of IP addresses
      • setServerIpWhitelist

        public void setServerIpWhitelist​(String serverIpWhitelist)
        App requests must originate from this comma-separated list of IP addresses.
      • getSocialDiscovery

        public Long getSocialDiscovery()
        Indicates whether app usage stories show up in the Ticker or News Feed.
        Indicates whether app usage stories show up in the Ticker or News Feed
      • setSocialDiscovery

        public void setSocialDiscovery​(Long socialDiscovery)
        Indicates whether app usage stories show up in the Ticker or News Feed.
      • getSubcategory

        public String getSubcategory()
        The subcategory the app can be found under.
        The subcategory the app can be found under
      • setSubcategory

        public void setSubcategory​(String subcategory)
        The subcategory the app can be found under.
      • getSupportsApprequestsFastAppSwitch

        public com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationFastAppSwitch getSupportsApprequestsFastAppSwitch()
        Indicates whether the app should do a fast-app-switch to the Facebook app to show the app requests dialog.
        Indicates whether the app should do a fast-app-switch to the Facebook app to show the app requests dialog
      • setSupportsApprequestsFastAppSwitch

        public void setSupportsApprequestsFastAppSwitch​(com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationFastAppSwitch supportsApprequestsFastAppSwitch)
        Indicates whether the app should do a fast-app-switch to the Facebook app to show the app requests dialog.
      • getSupportsAttribution

        public Boolean getSupportsAttribution()
        Indicates whether the app has not opted out of app install tracking.
        Indicates whether the app has not opted out of app install tracking
      • setSupportsAttribution

        public void setSupportsAttribution​(Boolean supportsAttribution)
        Indicates whether the app has not opted out of app install tracking.
      • getSupportsImplicitSdkLogging

        public Boolean getSupportsImplicitSdkLogging()
        Indicates whether the app has not opted out of the mobile SDKs sending data on SDK interactions
        Indicates whether the app has not opted out of the mobile SDKs sending data on SDK interactions
      • setSupportsImplicitSdkLogging

        public void setSupportsImplicitSdkLogging​(Boolean supportsImplicitSdkLogging)
        Indicates whether the app has not opted out of the mobile SDKs sending data on SDK interactions
      • getSuppressNativeIosGdp

        public Boolean getSuppressNativeIosGdp()
        Whether to suppress the native iOS Login Dialog
        Whether to suppress the native iOS Login Dialog
      • getTermsOfServiceUrl

        public String getTermsOfServiceUrl()
        URL to Terms of Service that appears in the Login Dialog
        URL to Terms of Service that appears in the Login Dialog
      • setTermsOfServiceUrl

        public void setTermsOfServiceUrl​(String termsOfServiceUrl)
        URL to Terms of Service that appears in the Login Dialog
      • getUseLegacyAuth

        public Boolean getUseLegacyAuth()
        Does the app use the legacy auth method?
        Does the app use the legacy auth method?
      • setUseLegacyAuth

        public void setUseLegacyAuth​(Boolean useLegacyAuth)
        Does the app use the legacy auth method?
      • getUserSupportEmail

        public String getUserSupportEmail()
        Main contact email for this app where people can receive support.
        Main contact email for this app where people can receive support
      • setUserSupportEmail

        public void setUserSupportEmail​(String userSupportEmail)
        Main contact email for this app where people can receive support.
      • getUserSupportUrl

        public String getUserSupportUrl()
        URL shown in the Canvas footer that people can visit to get support for the app.
        URL shown in the Canvas footer that people can visit to get support for the app
      • setUserSupportUrl

        public void setUserSupportUrl​(String userSupportUrl)
        URL shown in the Canvas footer that people can visit to get support for the app.
      • getWebsiteUrl

        public String getWebsiteUrl()
        URL of a website that integrates with this app.
        URL of a website that integrates with this app
      • setWebsiteUrl

        public void setWebsiteUrl​(String websiteUrl)
        URL of a website that integrates with this app.
      • getWeeklyActiveUsers

        public String getWeeklyActiveUsers()
        The number of weekly active users the app has.
        The number of weekly active users the app has
      • setWeeklyActiveUsers

        public void setWeeklyActiveUsers​(String weeklyActiveUsers)
        The number of weekly active users the app has.
      • getGdpv4Enabled

        public Boolean getGdpv4Enabled()
        Indicates whether Login Version 4 is enabled for this app.
        Indicates whether Login Version 4 is enabled for this app
      • setGdpv4Enabled

        public void setGdpv4Enabled​(Boolean gdpv4Enabled)
        Indicates whether Login Version 4 is enabled for this app.
      • getGdpv4NuxEnabled

        public Boolean getGdpv4NuxEnabled()
        Indicates whether the New User Experience for login button must be shown or not.
        Indicates whether the New User Experience for login button must be shown or not
      • setGdpv4NuxEnabled

        public void setGdpv4NuxEnabled​(Boolean gdpv4NuxEnabled)
        Indicates whether the New User Experience for login button must be shown or not.
      • getGdpv4NuxContent

        public String getGdpv4NuxContent()
        Localized content for the login new user experience.
        Localized content for the login new user experience
      • setGdpv4NuxContent

        public void setGdpv4NuxContent​(String gdpv4NuxContent)
        Localized content for the login new user experience.
      • getLastUsedTime

        public Date getLastUsedTime()
        last used time of this object by the current viewer
        last used time of this object by the current viewer
      • setLastUsedTime

        public void setLastUsedTime​(Date lastUsedTime)
        last used time of this object by the current viewer
      • getAssetScore

        public Double getAssetScore()
        relevance score of an asset.
        relevance score of an asset
      • setAssetScore

        public void setAssetScore​(Double assetScore)
        relevance score of an asset.