Uses of Annotation Type
Packages that use GraphAPI
Default implementations of Facebook
Graph API Objects.
Special types to interact with the Facebook Marketing
Contains all types that are necessary to interact with
Facebook Send API.
Uses of GraphAPI in com.restfb.types
Methods in com.restfb.types with annotations of type GraphAPIModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPage.getAdminNotes()
Notes of this pageEvent.getAttendingCount()
Number of people attending the eventUser.getBio()
The user's biographical snippet.Comment.getCanReplyPrivately()
Whether the viewer can send a private reply to this comment (Page viewers only)Post.getCanReplyPrivately()
Whether the viewer can send a private reply to this post (Page viewers only)Post.getCaption()
The caption of the link (appears beneath the link name).Event.getCategory()
The category of the event.Video.getContentCategory()
The content category of this video.Event.getDeclinedCount()
Number of people who declined the eventPost.getDescription()
A description of the link (appears beneath the link caption).Video.getEmbeddable()
Whether the video is embeddable.Photo.getEvent()
If this object has a place, the event associated with the placeVideo.getEvent()
If this object has a place, the event associated with the place.Page.getFanCount()
The number of likes the page has.Video.getFeedType()
Whether or not the video is highlighted in Video Channel.Post.Targeting.getGeoLocations()
Number of people interested in the event.Video.getIsCrosspostingEligible()
Specifies if the video is eligible for crossposting.Page.getIsWebhooksSubscribed()
Indicates whether the application is subscribed for real time updates from this pagePage.getLabels()
Page labels of this pageUser.getLabels()
Page labels of this userPage.getLikes()
The Pages that this Page Likes.Page.getLikesCount()
The number of likes the page has.Post.getLink()
The link attached to this post.Video.getLiveAudienceCount()
Number of unique people who watched the video broadcast when it was live.Video.getLiveStatus()
The live status of the video.Event.getMaybeCount()
Number of people who maybe going to the eventVideoCopyright.getMonitoringStatus()
Whether the video is monitored successfully for copyright.Post.getName()
The name of the link.Event.getNoreplyCount()
Number of people who did not reply to the eventPost.getObjectId()
The Facebook object id for an uploaded photo or video.Place.getOverallRating()
Overall Rating of Place, on a 5-star scale. 0 means not enough data to get a combined rating.Event.getPlace()
Location associated with the event, if any.Comment.getPrivateReplyConversation()
For comments with private replies, gets conversation between the Page and author of the comment (Page viewers only)Video.getPublished()
Whether a post about this video is published.Video.getScheduledPublishTime()
The time that the video is scheduled to be published.User.getShortName()
Shortened, locale-aware name for the person.Post.getSource()
If available, the source link attached to this post (for example, a flash or video file).Post.getTarget()
The profile this was posted on if different from the author.Video.getTitle()
The video title or captionPost.getType()
A string indicating the object type of this post. -
Uses of GraphAPI in
Methods in with annotations of type GraphAPIModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdSet.getIssuesInfo()
Uses of GraphAPI in com.restfb.types.send
Classes in com.restfb.types.send with annotations of type GraphAPIModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Deprecated.with Graph API 4.0 this is no longer supportedclass
Deprecated.with Graph API 4.0 this is no longer supported