Uses of Class
Packages that use TemplatePayload
Uses of TemplatePayload in com.restfb.types.send
Subclasses of TemplatePayload in com.restfb.types.sendModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Deprecated.with Graph API 4.0 this is no longer supportedclass
Deprecated.with Graph API 4.0 this is no longer supportedclass
Represents the Receipt Template Payload typeclass
Abstract class to provide access to the sharable field.Methods in com.restfb.types.send that return TemplatePayloadConstructors in com.restfb.types.send with parameters of type TemplatePayload -
Uses of TemplatePayload in com.restfb.types.send.airline
Subclasses of TemplatePayload in com.restfb.types.send.airlineModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Represents the Airline Boardingpass Template Payload typeclass
Represents the Airline Checkin Template Payload typeclass
Represents the Airline Itinerary Template Payload typeclass
Represents the Airline Update Template Payload type