AbstractAdAssetFeedSpec |
Ad |
AdAccount |
AdAccountCreationRequest |
AdAccountGroup |
AdAccountGroupAccount |
AdAccountGroupUser |
AdAccountPromotableObjects |
AdAssetFeedAdditionalData |
AdAssetFeedSpec |
AdAssetFeedSpecAssetLabel |
AdAssetFeedSpecBody |
AdAssetFeedSpecCaption |
AdAssetFeedSpecDescription |
AdAssetFeedSpecGroupRule |
AdAssetFeedSpecImage |
AdAssetFeedSpecLinkURL |
AdAssetFeedSpecTitle |
AdAssetFeedSpecVideo |
AdBidAdjustments |
AdCampaignBidConstraint |
AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs |
AdCampaignIssuesInfo |
AdCreative |
AdCreativeInteractiveComponentsSpec |
AdCreativeLinkData |
AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec |
AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction |
AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue |
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment |
AdCreativeObjectStorySpec |
AdCreativeOfferData |
AdCreativePhotoData |
AdCreativePlaceData |
AdCreativePostClickConfiguration |
AdCreativeTextData |
AdCreativeVideoData |
AdDeliveryCheck |
AdDynamicCreative |
AdgroupIssuesInfo |
AdgroupPlacementSpecificReviewFeedback |
AdgroupReviewFeedback |
AdKeywords |
AdLabel |
AdPromotedObject |
AdRecommendation |
AdRecommendationData |
AdsActionStats |
AdSet |
AdsHistogramStats |
AdsImageCrops |
Represents the
AdsImageCrops Marketing
API type
Every field is following the crops specification, in the format of [[{left},{top}],[{right},{bottom}]].
AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec |
AdsPixel |
AdsPixelStats |
AdStudy |
AgencyClientDeclaration |
AndroidAppLink |
AppLinks |
BaseAdsObject |
Basic Ads type that provides an id field.
BidStrategyEnum |
Business |
Campaign |
Represents the Campaign
Marketing API type
ConversionActionQuery |
CustomAudience |
CustomAudienceDataSource |
CustomAudiencePermission |
CustomAudienceStatus |
DayPart |
DeliveryCheck |
DeliveryCheckExtraInfo |
DynamicPostChildAttachment |
ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup |
FieldData |
FlexibleTargeting |
FundingSourceDetails |
FundingSourceDetailsCoupon |
IDName |
IosAppLink |
LeadGenQualifier |
LookalikeSpec |
LookalikeSpec.Origin |
NamedAdsObject |
Almost basic ad-type that provides a name and a id field.
ProductCatalog |
ProductFeed |
ProductFeedSchedule |
ProductFeedUpload |
ProductGroup |
ProductItemCommerceInsights |
ProductVariant |
ReachFrequencySpec |
Rule |
RuleOp |
StoreCatalogSettings |
Targeting |
TargetingDynamicRule |
TargetingGeoLocation |
TargetingGeoLocationCity |
TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation |
TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict |
TargetingGeoLocationMarket |
TargetingGeoLocationPlace |
TargetingGeoLocationRegion |
TargetingGeoLocationZip |
TargetingProductAudienceSpec |
TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec |
TargetingProspectingAudience |
TargetingResponseGeographic |
TargetingSentenceLine |
TargetingSentenceLine.TargetingSentenceLineItem |
TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults |
WebAppLink |
WindowsAppLink |
WindowsPhoneAppLink |